Direct Dating - Take Control of Your Personal Life

Skip the excuses and put effort into finding a relationship

Direct dating is a recent concept, it is the idea that people are taking responsibility for their own romantic lives and being direct in their dating methods. For the Internet dating generation, the dating life of singles everywhere is certainly a lot different now than from two or three generations ago. Our dating life should be fun, enjoyable and part of all single lives. However the tone in recent years for singles has taken on a more serious note. It is not that people out there dating are more protective of themselves, we always have been. It is that the quest for the perfect partner has become far more serious. People are taking on direct dating methods and deciding exactly who they want in advance. Which probably explains the rise of Internet dating in particular.

As our lives have become more driven due to the pressures of daily life, due to career responsibilities and due financial burdens so our need to find someone compatible has taken a more deep rooted cause. In the past we may have been led to believe we should ‘make do’, we should ‘settle’ and that we should ‘be happy not to be left on the shelf’. These are old attitudes difficult to defend in today’s society.

In the last 40 years, modern advertising, communication and education has made us all more aware of who we are and where we are than ever before. It has created a self sustaining belief culture in ourselves, backed up by a huge multi million dollar self-help industry. And there is nothing wrong with that at all. However its effect has been one of allowing us perhaps to indulge in our fantasies more than ever before.

We are more career driven, we work longer hours and we are perhaps more tired than ever before. Many don’t take their full vacation allowance and watching TV has become an international past time. We don’t talk to people, we don’t allow ourselves to be as tolerant as we should be. In fact what we want in life appears to have become an exact science.

If we tie this in with our financial emancipation, it means that we now have a fit and healthy, self-confident, financially strong generation of liberated young people who know how to make qualified and deliberate choices for themselves. In turn this has overflowed into the modern dating scene. Dating life has become complex, guys.

What is the result of this?

Well first of all it means that we have more singles and more divorced people. The reason for this can be attributed to a multitude of influences. But I believe the single biggest factor is the self-valuation we place upon ourselves. We are constantly reassured daily just how good we are. We are constantly told how fabulous we are and that we deserve the best. Us singles are winners, indeed we are. We are achievers, and to this end -  just how much we deserve love. I agree. But the result is that almost every person we may encounter in our personal lives as a potential suitor becomes an interviewee. A person to be judged, a person to be analyzed, a person to be intercepted before there is any danger we ‘settle’, ‘make do’ and accept their interest in us as love.

The problem with this is that true love appears to be leaving us in droves. It appears to be a very scare commodity indeed in these enlightened days. We single people are all potential lovers in the modern dating scene. We are all open and available to that true love experience we crave. But an experience it is that we may perhaps miss out on. And that’s because we are not prepared to take a risk. We are not prepared to gamble. Dating is not a science, it is not a formula, its not in a book, its not even in this article. Its passion, its emotion, its felt in an instant and it is felt by living and interacting.

What differentiated us from our parents is that they may have taken that risk due to different circumstances to our own. Previous generations were not generally as wealthy, they did not have their own apartments so early and were not expected to stay single. So they took chances and made quick decisions. But they also felt alive and allowed their passion to breathe.

Today we find ourselves seated on a commuter train reading the latest self-help book on winning a guy, or how to make a date but the truth is that we should put the book down and smile at the person sitting opposite. We should join that club, make new friends, call up people we haven’t spoke to in ages. Stop worrying about the qualifications or bank balance of the person we recently were introduced to and look at their lips, imagine if they are a good kisser instead.

The rise in Internet dating is a key marker and indicator of just how many people are taking the initiative in finding a partner. People do not like being single in general and anyone who says we do is perpetuating a myth. Internet dating is allowing people greater choice than ever in selecting and finding the partner they desire and I feel they are right. Internet dating is not the only way to go, but it certainly is one very plausible choice.

In the end most of us will find love one way or the other, we will meet someone who makes us happy and vice versa. But our modern dating world is a tougher place to visit that’s for sure. We do need to be alert and we do need to have our own guidelines.