50 Loving ways to Keep Your Relationships Alive

A list of little things to do to show you care

My list is designed to be a quick check for you to review. Use it to give you ideas to maintain your relationship, to give it a positive boost, or just simply for some ideas. My advice is to print this list off and give it to your partner and then take turns each on fulfilling what each other wants.

Always remember that just because you have started dating and may be seeing someone in the beginnings of your new relationship that you do not forget how to be romantic. If anything, the longer you date someone the more romantic you become.

1. Hug him/her.

2. Write a love note.

3. Call him/her at work just to say "Hi".

4. Give him/her a foot massage.

5. Tell him/her a joke.

6. Caress him/her with slow gentle strokes.

7. Go for a walk with him/her.

8. Admit your mistakes.

9. Say: "I love you".

10. Indulge a whim.

11. Listen to him/her talk about an interest of his/hers.

12. Be trustworthy.

13. Instead of complaining, tell him/her what you would prefer.

14. Look at him/her when you're in a discussion.

15. Send him/her flowers. (They're not just for us girls).

16. Compliment something he/she did.

17. Offer to help.

18. Ask him/her to show you how to do something.

19. Write him/her a poem about how special he/she is to you.

20. Ask him/her what he/she'd like sexually.

21. Take an afternoon drive.

22. Go away together for a weekend holiday.

23. Do something he/she wants to do.

24. Listen to him/her (even if he is boring you).

25. Plan a candlelit dinner.

26. Look at old photos together.

27. Serve him/her breakfast in bed.

28. Take a shower together.

29. Share sexual fantasies.

30. Do a work project together.

31. Give him/her an all over body massage.

32. Plan a picnic lunch.

33. Repeat what he/she says before answering.

34. Send him/her a card.

35. Surprise him/her with a gift.

36. Cook his/her favorite meal.

37. Put on some romantic music.

38. Put together a compilation tape of both your favorite songs.

39. Ask for his/her opinion.

40. Ask him/her how they feel.

41. Let him/her know when you are proud of them.

42. Invite him/her to a secret rendezvous.

43. Listen openly to his/her opposing opinion.

44. Watch his/her favorite TV program with them.

45. Watch a sunset together.

46. Play a game together.

47. Have him/her teach you something he/she knows.

48. Go to a movie of his/her choice.

49. Meet him/her for lunch.

50. Let him/her know you care.